What is the value of Vz?
The value of Vz is 5.93V
Vary Vs from 10V to 15V
What is the value of Vz?
The value of Vz at 10V is 4.96volts and at 15V the value is 7.49volts
Explain what is happening here
As you increase the supply voltage the voltage at Vz also increases.
What could this circuit be used for?
It can be used as per 5V1 voltage regulator circuit.
Reverse the polarity of the zener diode.
What is the value of Vz? Make a short comment why you had that reading.
The value of Vz at reverse polarity is 0.9volts.
It is because when I reverse the zener diode it acts as same as the normal silicone diode.
The value of Vz at 15 V and the accompanying explanation are not correct.